Newcomer's Guide
Frequently Asked Questions

We’re glad you’re here! Whether you’ve attended church your whole life or never set foot inside a church before, Christ Church is a safe place to bring your needs, doubts, questions and curiosity, regardless of your beliefs or background. We invite you to come and take a look around. We have wonderful programs for children, youth, and adults alike.


What time are services held?

Everyone is welcome to attend any of the services we offer including our Eucharists at 5:00 pm service on Saturday evenings (without choir) and our 10:00 a.m. service on Sunday mornings (with choir).  Nursery Childcare is available from 8:45-11:30 on Sunday mornings, in Noah's Nursery in the Parish Hall.  Sunday School (ages 4-11) begins at 10:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall, and the children return to church in time to receive Communion with their families.  During Lent, we gather for a Lenten program on Tuesday evenings at 6:15 pm, starting with a simple supper.

May I receive Communion?

All baptized persons are welcome to receive Communion at Christ Church, regardless of tradition or denomination, young children included.  If you are worshipping with us and have not been baptized, but would like to explore the journey of faith, please have a word with the Rector, who will be delighted to meet with you.  Some people prefer simply to be given a blessing instead of Communion, and that is fine too.

How do I find out about weddings and baptisms?

Your questions may be answered on the Weddings and Baptisms pages of the website.   It is essential to speak to the Rector about a wedding or baptism well in advance of choosing a date or making any other arrangements.  For initial inquiries, please contact Peggy Heijmen, our Parish Administrator. She can be reached at (516) 922 - 6377 or via email:


How do I get on your mailing list?

To be placed on Christ Church’s mailing list please either email or phone Peggy in the Parish Office or 516-922-6377.

How do I become a member of Christ Church Oyster Bay?

If you have been a member at another Episcopal Church (or a church of another denomination), and wish to have your membership transferred here, call the Parish Office and we’ll tell you how to accomplish that. The Sacrament of Confirmation or the option of Reception into the Episcopal Church are formal ways of indicating your membership, in addition to the Church’s fundamental rite of initiation, which is Baptism.  The Bishop presides at Confirmation (and Reception), while a Priest may preside at Baptism. 

What does it mean to be a member?

It means that you attend regularly, and as the Prayer Book says, you work, pray and give for the sake of the kingdom of God, as its vision is expressed here at Christ Church Oyster Bay.

Will I be expected to give money?

In addition to the loose offerings taken up during collections, we carry out our mission through annual pledges made by our members. Our work wouldn't happen without these commitments.  A pledge is not a contract, but they are essential when drawing up our annual budgets and plans for each year.  We won't badger you about money, but we will be honest with you about our hopes and vision, and the amount needed to realize them.  We will invite you to think about what proportion of your resources you wish to give to God, as an expression of gratitude and a mark of commitment.


What should I wear to Sunday worship?

It doesn't matter!  Some people dress more formally, others casually.  At Christ Church you may be greeted by an usher wearing a sports jacket and shorts, prior to sitting beside a teenager in sweat pants and sneakers, or an elegantly dressed lady wearing pearls and a fancy bonnet.  Whatever you wear, someone in the congregation is likely to be dressed in a similar style!