Church Ministries

There are always jobs that need to be done at Christ Church. Even if you only have an hour on an occasional basis, we welcome your assistance. We promise you will find fellowship and fun while you serve. Anyone interested in volunteering may contact the church office at 516-922-6377 or

  • Coffee Hour

    After the 10:00 am Sunday worship service, Coffee Hour is enjoyed in Parish Hall.  Help is always appreciated by the six teams who coordinate refreshments for the parish. Volunteers are also needed in the summer for the more casual Tea on the Lawn.

  • Altar Guild

    Those who serve on the Altar Guild are responsible for preparing the altar, vessels, and linens which are used for worship on Sunday and for special services. Members serve on a rotating basis. Responsible, organized people with an eye for detail will find this a rich and rewarding ministry. No special knowledge is required to join. Training is provided and guild members offer fellowship and support. Anyone interested in serving on the Altar Guild should contact Denise Carney at (516) 759-4483 or by Email:

  • Lectors & Intercessors

    Lectors read the lessons from Holy Scripture and the Intercessors read the Prayers of the People during the liturgy. Training will be provided to anyone who is interested in this ministry. A strong, articulate voice is required. Those who decide to be readers should be willing to commit to preparing lessons ahead of time so they are read well. All readers serve at the discretion of the Rector.   

  • Ushers & Greeters

    Ushers are scheduled in teams to greet people at the Church door, distribute the service bulletins and take up the offering. This is an important ministry, offering the opportunity to welcome everyone who comes through our doors, both newcomers and established members. This ministry is open to men and women, adults and teens. Anyone interested in becoming an usher, please contact Eric Bergman at or at 

  • St. Hilda's Guild

    The women parishioners of Christ Church have formed an outreach group whose chosen ministry is to sponsor a few fundraising projects each year to help smaller, perhaps less recognized needs of charitable groups in our local community. This ministry holds annual events such as pre-Thanksgiving Bake Sale, Winter Soup Sale, Cookie Sale and Pot Luck Trivia Night.  They meet periodically to plan events and identify local charities.  If you would like to join, please contact the office at 516-922-6377 or

  • Men's Fellowship

    The Men’s Fellowship is a group of independently minded individuals who gather to discuss various topics that affect ourselves, our families and the community we live in, while fostering friendships and comradery.  Meetings are held in the evenings in either St. Hilda’s Room in the Parish Hall or at a member’s home.  These informal, casual and lively gatherings are usually accompanied with a light dinner and are open to all.  

    In addition, the men host several social events including Bar-B-Ques, Super Bowl parties, Shrove Tuesday pancake dinners, and Mother's Day Coffee Hour.