Christ Church is a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island. We worship from the Book of Common Prayer and are part of the world-wide Anglican Communion. Christ Church has a rich history of involvement in the life of Oyster Bay and in service both to the local community and to those far beyond it. 

Our mission is to be "a place of faith, hope, and uplifting worship, sharing Christ's love and making a difference in the world." We celebrate the Holy Eucharist as our central act of worship, and all baptized persons regardless of age or the church in which they were baptized are welcome to receive Communion. Please join us:  a warm welcome awaits you!

If you are just visiting for the day, we are glad you are here, and if you are looking for a new parish family, we hope you will come back to Christ Church soon.  If you'd like to know more about Christ  Church or about the Episcopal church generally, please contact:

Father Michael Piret

Phone: (516) 922-6377
